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Tag Archives: Failover Cluster
Zero-Cost Highly Available Reporting Services within a Failover Cluster
This solution is for anyone that has a SQL failover cluster and wishes Reporting Service to be highly available and have failover capabilities. The solution I implemented seems the most natural and how Reporting Services should work right out of the box – but … Continue reading
Posted in Failover Cluster, SQL 2008, SQL 2012, SSRS
Tagged Failover Cluster, High Availibility, Reporting Services, SSRS
Gotchas: Installing SQL 2008R2 on Windows Server 2012R2 Cluster
I was building a new cluster with a dual instance of SQL 2012 and SQL 2008R2. Everything went easy with the SQL 2012 but not so well with the SQL 2008R2 install. As many have found out installing SQL 2008R2 … Continue reading
Posted in Failover Cluster, SQL 2008
Tagged Failover Cluster
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